Essential Label Design Best Practices to Consider

Essential Label Design Best Practices to Consider

People tend to make a first impression about a product in literally fractions of a second, which is why the design of your product’s label is of paramount importance. One day, your product will likely be sitting on a store shelf surrounded by dozens of other...
The Art of Minimalist Label Design

The Art of Minimalist Label Design

While it’s certainly true that flashy label designs are a great way to attract attention on a crowded store shelf, there’s another theory that tells us essentially the opposite. Instead of playing the game of “who can shout the loudest” with...
Designing Your Labels…Learn How Certain Colors Impact Buyers?

Designing Your Labels…Learn How Certain Colors Impact Buyers?

It’s no secret that color has an impact on our emotions. The color green, for example, has a dramatic impact on our productivity because it’s restful for eyes and produces less eye strain when compared to alternatives. Based on that, experts say you should...
Everything You Need to Know About Waterproof Labels

Everything You Need to Know About Waterproof Labels

When it comes to product labeling, far too many businesses seem to make the same mistake over and over again. They start with a design for the label and work their way back to the product when they should be starting with the specifics of the product and working their...
Ready For Indiana’s New CBD Oil Labeling Requirements?

Ready For Indiana’s New CBD Oil Labeling Requirements?

Cannabidiol, also commonly referred to as CBD oil depending on the form and circumstances, is a very popular natural remedy that is used to treat a wide range of different ailments. CBD itself is one of the 104 chemical compounds found in cannabis or marijuana plants....
Product Label Design Trends

Product Label Design Trends

Label designs change and evolve year-in and year-out. Your label design(s) help sell your products, so it is important for your business to stay up-to-date with industry changes. As we begin to make our way through 2018 it is important to take a moment and examine...