To a person who is just venturing into the world of printing and labeling, or has just started his product journey, the term pressure sensitive labels might be something new. Trust us on this, pressure sensitive labels are everywhere, and the chances are that if you look around, you might find one somewhere nearby. They are the stickers that you see posted on stuff. They also come in the form of decals and even small temporary tattoos that the kids use.

Pressure sensitive labels are everywhere in our lives. Bottles, toys, decorative packaging, etc. You name it and chances are that they have pressure sensitive labels. However, the vital question here remains unanswered.

What exactly are Pressure Sensitive Labels?

pressure-sensitive-label-printerWell, the straight answer is that they are a type of label. Not just any label, but one of the most popular ones. For the sake of knowledge and spreading wisdom, we will be digging deep into this marvelous labeling product today. Typically, a pressure sensitive label has three components – The Face Stock, The Adhesive, and The Liner.

Face Stock

It is the central part of the label. Here the material could be paper, film or even a metallic foil. This is the layer where the ink is applied. Face stock is what you see when the label is applied to the product. In some cases, a top coat or laminate may be used on the face stock to protect the main creative of the label from the elements of nature.


The adhesive is the chemical compound which makes the label stick and hold on the area where it is applied. In simpler words, it is just like a glue. For cut and slack type pressure sensitive labels, this adhesive application process happens when the labels are being applied. However, in present times more often than not, pressure sensitive labels are pre-packaged with adhesive. That means your label roll would already have adhesive applied to it and is ready for its end application. The adhesive used for your pressure sensitive labels might vary on the conditions that you mention before printing them. Some work under wet and damp conditions, some are permanent adhesion type, and some are resealable. For example, the label pasted on Air Conditioning units have to bear the elements of nature, and hence a suitable adhesive has to be applied for it to stay on for its entire service life.


The liner is the film or paper that comprises of the backing web material. For better understanding, a liner is the media which allows you to peel off the label for its end application irrespective of the nature of adhesive used.

So here you go folks, if you have read our blog post so far, then congratulations because now you know all that there is to know about pressure sensitive labels. Just a friendly reminder, we also produce some very high-quality pressure sensitive labels for our clients. In case you want some for yourself, please feel free to contact us. We are always here to help!